Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Five: 8/29/14

Happy Friday!!

And let's just get into The Five!

1. Very Sexy Travel Fragrance Mist by Victoria's Secret
     I love this body spray because it is the perfect scent for summer and with it being travel size, I just keep it in my purse! It is such a warm scent and it is described as having notes of vanilla orchid, clementine and blackberry. It reminds me of a warm summer night and I have not only been loving it this week, but all summer as well! It hasn't left my purse in three months! I love the travel mists from VS because they are always running them on sale for $10, they are so easy to tote around and last forever! I got mine last summer (hence the old packaging) and I still have a ton left!

Very Sexy by Victoria's Secret

2. Hydrating Macadamia Oil Shampoo and Conditioner by OGX (Formerly known as Organix)
     I am just loving this shampoo and conditioner! I picked it up last week and my hair feels and looks so much healthier since using it! I felt like my hair was getting super dry and brittle from the summer and this has really helped to re-hydrate my hair. After only about 5 or 6 washes of using these, my hair doesn't feel or look as dried out and is much softer! I can't wait to keep using it!

Hydrating Macadamia Oil Shampoo and Conditioner by OGX

3. Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain in Smitten
     If you read my last review, this is the one that got me hooked on the Colorburst collection! Check it out and see why I have been loving it and the other ones I picked up. It's a rough life being a beauty addict :)

Revlon Colorburst in Smitten

4. Bare Minerals Prime Time
     I have been wanting to try out more Bare Minerals products and I got this primer in a small travel/trial set. I tested this out on my hand at Ulta a while back and I absolutely loved how it felt. It feels so silky, smooth and hydrating. At the time though, I needed to use up some other primers before I purchased a new one so I kept this in mind. A couple of weeks ago, I was standing in the checkout line in Sephora and saw they had a travel set of this and the Bare Minerals Mineral Veil for only $15. I thought that this was a great way to test out the products. This primer does not disappoint and I will most likely purchase a full size when I run out of this one. It really helps the longevity of my foundation and I love knowing that it doesn't have any harsh/bad ingredients in it!

Prime Time by Bare Minerals

5. Bare Minerals Mineral Veil
     So I have been loving this too from the set! I have also had my eye on this so it worked out perfect that they were packaged together. At first, I wished that the Mineral Veil was larger because I didn't think it would last me long, but a little goes a long way! I know this will last me quite a while. And I can honestly say I have found my new finishing powder. This stuff is amazing! It really locks everything in and also feels so silky smooth. It doesn't look cakey at all and just melts into the skin giving you a flawless look. I am falling more and more in love with Bare Minerals products and need to try out more! Any recommendations??

Mineral Veil by Bare Minerals

Have a wonderful holiday weekend, beauties!

xoxo Kayla

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains

I have to start off by saying.... WOW! I am so impressed with the Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains! I picked up one, had to get a couple more and now I am hooked! And you need to know how amazing these are too! :)

Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains

I was browsing the makeup at the drugstore a couple of weeks ago and I came across the Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains. I have seen these around of course, but I had not tried one yet. On a whim, I decided that I needed one so I could try it out. I grabbed the color "Smitten" because I thought that it would be a nice berry color for fall.




The next day, I was getting ready for church and I had on a top that I thought would go really well with this new balm stain so I thought "Why wait til fall?! I will wear it now!" To say I was shocked is a little bit of an understatement when I started to apply it. I could not believe how pretty and pigmented it was. If you think the swatch looks a little sheer, do not let that fool you! I honestly do not think I have tried out any lip product from the drugstore that is as pigmented as this was! I am truly amazed! And what I am even more amazed about is after church, it looked like I had just applied it! It was still just as pigmented and didn't dry out whatsoever. The formula is just a knock out when it comes to color pay off, staying power and it is very hydrating for hours! (It also has the slightest minty scent, which I love!)

I had to go get more immediately so I also picked up "Adore" and "Honey". "Adore" is more of a brick red and "Honey" is a mauvy-pink nude. Both beautiful colors as well! On a side note: If you saw on my Instagram, my dog, Macy, apparently also liked "Honey" too because she got into it and chewed it up! I only had the opportunity to swatch it and hadn't even gotten to wear it! But I loved it so much that I had to go out today and repurchase a new one. Little Stinker!!







The only downside I have with these Colorbursts is that I do not think the packaging does the best job at representing what the colors are going to look like. I know with drugstore products, you kind of have to roll the dice a little bit because you are unable to swatch them. Although I am completely satisfied with the colors, they were all a little bit different than what I was expecting. "Smitten" had more of a pink undertone than I was expecting, "Adore" was not a deep red that I thought it would be, and "Honey" was not as much of a true pink as it looked to me in the packaging.

Overall though, I am not in the least bit disappointed! I want to now try the matte formula that they offer in this line! I am sure they are just as amazing! I also saw that they have a shiny "laquer balm" which I will have to check out also!

What are some of your favorite shades and recommendations that I should try out from the Colorburst Collection?

Macy likes them too ;)

xoxo Kayla

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Five: 8/22/14

Is it really one of the last weekends of summer?! I can't believe how fast summer went! But then again, it always goes by so quickly! Enjoy what's left! :)

My faves this week:

1. Naked 3 Palette by Urban Decay
     I fell in love with the Naked 3 all over again this week. I have barely used it all summer and I don't even know why I have been neglecting it! I forgot how pretty it was! I am ashamed ;) I have been using it every day and having fun creating different looks each day. Using this palette has reminded me how awesome Urban Decay eyeshadows are and makes me think I need to go check out the new Naked 2 basics palette. Has anyone tried it out yet?!

2. Lovecloud blush by MAC
     In yesterday's haul post, I mentioned how I had just recently gotten this blush. I have been using it all week and it goes PERFECT with the Naked 3 palette! I just think this blush is so gorgeous and I can't get enough of it. Check out my post on the haul to see how pretty the swatch is! If you are looking into a new MAC blush, just get this one! :) It might just be my top favorite blush from MAC!

3. Biolucent Mineral Brightening Treatment by Bare Minerals
     I also posted in my haul yesterday that I had gotten this product. I have just been so happy with the results this week and even today, I feel like my skin is looking better than yesterday! I can only hope it continues! As I said, I will keep you updated on this and how it is working for me. But I think it is safe to say that I have no problem repurchasing this product again if I continue to see the results that I have! If you have any type of discoloration that you would like to correct, I think you would love this as well!

4. Clean Express Eye Makeup Remover (Waterproof) by Maybelline
     This eye makeup remover is amazing! It takes off all of my eye makeup so easily! In the past, I have used removers that just do a terrible job of removing the makeup and it either takes forever to get off or it leaves makeup behind. This definitely does the job! For a while, I was using Sephora's Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover. I really loved it but I felt like every time I went to go repurchase it, it just kept going up in price! I saw this remover by Maybelline at Target and it looked very similar to the Sephora one I was using. It has the two formulas in the bottle that you shake to mix together so I thought I would try it out. It works just as amazing! And it is only $4.99 compared to Sephora's $10.50 (it used to only be $7 when I first started using it!) I would say the Maybelline version is a dupe for the Sephora remover so save the $5.50 and check out the Maybelline Clean Express!

5. Butter Gloss in Eclair by NYX
     In my very first post, I talked about how I loved NYX butter glosses. Well, that still hasn't changed! This week I have especially been loving Eclair. Probably because it just completes the look with the Naked 3 and Lovecloud blush :) This color is so pretty. It is such a universal pink and can go with so many looks. I have been loving this gloss so much that I picked it up this week as part of a gift for my brother's fiancee's birthday so she could have this amazing gloss as well :)

Have a fabulous weekend!

xoxo Kayla

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Lush, Sephora, MAC: Haul and Review

Hi Loves!

A few weeks ago, I posted a picture on Insta of a little shopping haul. I wanted to share the products with you but I also wanted to try them out and give you my honest opinions on them.

Now that I have had time to use each of the products for a while, here is what I think!

From Lush:

Mask of Magnaminty
     This was my first ever mask from Lush! I have been wanting to try Lush products out for so long and I am so happy I was finally able to purchase a couple. I have always considered ordering online, but I knew that I should probably wait until I was able to be in an actual Lush store to figure out what I think that I would like. Mask of Magnaminty has been on my list to look into so this is one of the first products I looked at! The associate told me this is a great overall mask for a deeper cleanse and that I could use it on both my face or back. I didn't need much convincing since I have had my eye on it so I decided to go with it! I absolutely love it! It kind of has a little bit of an "earthy" smell to it but the peppermint definitely overpowers it. And I love mint scents so this is definitely up my alley! This mask feels SO REFRESHING immediately as you apply it. It has a little bit of a tingling feeling but I like that! It is definitely not bothersome and you can't even notice it after a minute or two. I feel like my face has felt so much smoother the past couple of weeks and I definitely think this mask has been a major factor in it. I have used this mask probably a half a dozen times now and I have so much left (and it is only a small jar!). I really would be surprised to hear if anyone didn't like this mask because it really has done wonders for me!

Mint Julips
     I wanted to get a fresh mask but they were all sold out! Sad! Plus the store was so busy that I decided after finding Mask of Magnaminty, I would be happy with just getting one product since it was my first Lush experience. But while I was checking out, they had all of the lip scrubs in a jar by the register. I have heard about "Popcorn" so I started looking at them all. I asked the girl about the lip scrubs and she told me she loved them and that all you did was put them on your lips, scrub them, lick the extra off and then swallow. UMMM, EXCUSE ME?! I was taken aback that she told me you just swallow the rest of the product! Seems a little gross to me since it is supposed to be sluffing off the dead skin and I really don't want to be swallowing it! It is vegan so I know that there is nothing wrong with ingesting the ingredients, but I decided I will just spit mine out in a sink! ;) I went with Mint Julips over Popcorn and Bubblegum because like I said, I love mint! And I really do like this lip scrub! I think it has helped my lips become so much smoother and my lipstick looks much more prettier these days!

From Sephora:

Bare Minerals Biolucent Mineral Brightening Treatment
     Since this past winter, I have been struggling with acne. It has been such a frustrating and embarrassing experience. Since I was a teenager, I have only had very minimal acne here and there so I have no idea why I have been having such troubles with it now. Nothing was helping but I am now just finally starting to get it under control. My skin has taken a bad hit though from so many months of having acne. I have a lot of post-acne spots/scarring and it makes me feel like I can't go anywhere without covering it with makeup. I have been watching Kayleigh Noelle on YouTube and she talked about how she has had troubles with acne as well. She posted a video about this Bare Minerals Brightening Treatment and said it helped clear her acne scars! It really is incredible and her skin looks so beautiful and glowing! (You can see her review here) I decided that I would fork over the $55 because I desperately want my skin to look better. I have been told it takes about 4 weeks to start seeing results. I am on my 3rd week right now and I can honestly say that I am starting to see results! I am noticing that my acne scars are starting to lighten and my skin has more of a glow to it! I am so happy with the results as of now and can't wait to see what another 3 weeks+ will do! I will keep you updated!

From MAC:

Eyeshadow in Shroom (Satin)
     Jaclyn Hill is always using Shroom in her tutorials! I said "Alright, Kayla! You gotta get it!" I didn't even look at it in the store... I just asked the girl to get it for me! I've seen it enough in her videos, so I think its ok that I did that! :) Well, of course Jaclyn knows her stuff! I have been loving this as a highlight on the browbone. It truly is the perfect highlight and will go with whatever shadows you are using! To me, it looks like this silvery-champagne color and I have never seen anything like it! It is such a beautiful color. It lasts all day and doesn't wear away. If you're looking for a great universal highlight for the browbone, this is it!

Powder Blush in Lovecloud (Satin)
     I have been using so many peachy/corally blushes lately and I wanted to mix it up a little bit. I wanted to get more of a babydoll/barbie pink and I think Lovecloud is exactly that! It truly reminds me of a barbie doll! But don't worry... it does not look tacky on the skin! It is SO pretty!! It comes off as a soft and gorgeous glow and it is the perfect pop of pink for the cheeks! I have been loving it and wish I had found it sooner!

Lipstick in Plink! (Lustre)
     Ok first of all, how do you even decide what lipstick to get from MAC!? They are all so amazing and I wish I could have bought all of them :) Of course I was swatching a billion lipsticks and I came across Plink! I hadn't even heard of Plink! before I swatched it but something about it made me think that this is one that I needed. It comes across as a typical neutral pink, but when applied it just has this beautiful glossiness to it. I am so happy I purchased this because I fall in love with it more and more every time I wear it! I also like that I got something that is not a staple to most MAC lipstick collections. It's fun to be different :)

Lipstick in Plumful (Lustre)
     I am obsessed with Fall! It is my absolute favorite time of the year and I wanted to get a Fall lipstick! Even though I was jumping the gun a little bit in late July when I got this, I just couldn't help myself! It really is right around the corner anyways! This color is, again right up my alley, as far as fall colors go. I love berry colors and this is the perfect plumy-berry. It will be perfect to wear right at the beginning of Fall because it isn't a dark, deep color. I just can't wait... I will probably be wearing it September 1st :)

Top: Plumful
Bottom: Plink!

On a side note: What are some of your favorite fall lipsticks?? I am on the hunt for more :)

xoxo Kayla

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blog Makeover!

YAY for pretty makeovers!

I am so excited to have a new blog design and I am LOVING it! So much fun to grow and make progress in this blogging experience :)

I am also so happy with who I worked with to get my new blog design. I found Chelsea's shop on Etsy and she was INCREDIBLY helpful! She was so fast at answering all of my questions. I am also so impressed because after your purchase, she sends you detailed instructions on how to update your blog with the new template. It also comes with links to step-by-step YouTube videos for people like me who need help with this kind of stuff! Truly made everything so easy!

I highly recommend her if you are looking into a new design yourself!

xoxo Kayla

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Five: 8/15/14

Happy Friday <3

You know the drill..... Here are my faves this week :)

(ps.. they are all eye products this week!)

1. Better Than Sex Mascara by Too Faced

     I have been using this mascara every day! I love how my lashes have been looking when using this. It gives my lashes length and volume and I don't notice any clumping or flaking away throughout the day. I also love the packaging. It feels so glamorous! It is so sleek and the tube is heavier than most mascara tubes and it makes me feel like I have a luxurious treasure :) I am super picky about mascaras... I can never find any that I think look good so I find it to be a personal victory for myself that I have a mascara in my top five :) 

2. Smoky Cream Liner in Must Have (Waterproof) by Sephora

     I got this gel liner a while back in an eyeliner set from Sephora. This was actually the first gel liner I ever tried and I still love it! At first I was a little intimidated applying a gel liner but it glides on sooo easily! It is super creamy and it doesn't get hard and break up during the day at all. "Must Have" is a black color and it is SUPER black.. very pigmented! I have been using it all week because I have been wanting a bolder liner every day and this literally only takes a few seconds to apply and I am good to go! This is a great product from the Sephora line and I am very impressed with it!

3. The Nudes Palette by Maybelline

     I just posted a review on this palette in my last post. Check it out to find out my thoughts on it! And those are all of the reasons why I have been loving this palette this week! :)

4. Behind the Scenes Eye Primer by Lorac

     This is a great eye primer in my opinion! It works so well for me as it helps keep my eye makeup just as fresh looking as when I applied it. It helps keep the color vibrant and helps the shadows to be long wearing. With some eye primers, I have noticed that some of it will settle in certain areas and be almost a cakey-like consistency which then makes the shadows look cakey. I have never experienced that with this eye primer and know that I can always count on it giving a great base for my eyeshadow.

5. Infallible Eye Shadow in Iced Latte by L'Oreal
     I had to get this pigment because in one day I saw two reviews on it and I was sold! I watched Jaclyn Hill use it in one of her videos and then I was reading one of my favorite blogs "Make Me Up Mia" and Mia had done a review on a few of these Infallible Eye Shadows. "Iced Latte" was one of them and I was able to see the color up close and see how pretty it was! I was obsessed and needed it immediately after reading her review! I went out that day and got it and I have been absolutely loving it! I have been using this color mostly on the lid and I need to go out and get more! It is so easy to work with and I apply it with either a brush or my finger. You barely need any product and you are set for the day! 

And there you have it! You could get a whole eye look out of these products :)

Have a fabulous weekend, dolls!

xoxo Kayla

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Nudes Palette by Maybelline

Hi Friends!

I wanted to bring you my thoughts on The Nudes palette by Maybelline. I know that this has been getting a lot of buzz lately so I hope this will give you a better idea on what this product is all about if you have been considering purchasing it!!

Last week, I was going on a quick trip for two days. As I was packing, I realized I don't really have any travel-friendly eyeshadow palettes for when I am taking short trips. I didn't want to bring one of my regular sized palettes so I decided to run to Walmart thinking I would get one of those Maybelline Eye Studio quads. I have been wanting to try one of them and thought that this would be the perfect time to get one!

As I was looking them over, I couldn't find one that I thought I could rely on for everyday use. I wanted something neutral that could go with anything. I thought that maybe the "Copper Chic" quad might work, but it was all shimmery/satin shadows and I really wanted at least one matte shadow. I typically always use at least one matte shadow when doing my eye makeup, usually in the crease. I decided I was just going to settle on the Copper Chic quad, but as I was going to grab it, I saw The Nudes palette out of the corner of my eye. I have been seeing this all over YouTube, blogs, Instagram, etc, and never had actually taken the time to look at it in the store, so I thought that I should check it out quick.

I was immediately impressed as I was looking at the palette. It has so many awesome shades that not only included satin shadows, but matte shadows as well. And even though it is all nude shades, all of the colors are so different and each one is so pretty! I immediately wished that I had researched this palette a little bit more and watched all of the reviews that I have seen popping up. But I decided "What the heck!" I will take my chances and purchase this instead of the quad and form my own opinions on the palette! The quad was $7.49 and The Nudes palette was $9.99 (for 12 shadows!) so I thought I was getting a better deal on top of it.

I started playing with the shadows as soon as I got home. I was even more impressed! The shadows are truly beautiful and so pigmented! I didn't have the highest of expectations when it came to pigmentation only because it was a drugstore palette. I completely stand corrected! These shadows are definitely of great quality and pigmentation. You have so many options on creating looks with this palette! The colors are so much fun to work with because they all look so amazing together!

When I was on my trip, I put my makeup on at 8am and by 5pm, it still looked awesome! It hardly wore off and I was on the go all day long! The packaging is so simple and chic and the perfect size for traveling! In my opinion, this has to be one of the best products of all in the the drugstore!

Honestly, I only have one "downside" of this palette. And that is that I wish the shadows had names. Not only would it make the palette that much more fun, but I like referring to the shadows if I am telling someone about a specific shadow. For example, the gold shadow in this palette is sooooo beautiful! But I don't know what to call it! I just have to say "the gold shade". I feel like Maybelline did such an awesome job with this palette that I wish they would have gone that extra step and named the shadows. 

I definitely would recommend this to anyone! It is such a great palette for any type of look. It will go with any makeup look, any outfit, day, is completely universal! It is so budget friendly and I also seeing it being a staple in my collection! 

Hope you're all having a wonderful week!

xoxo Kayla

Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday Five : 8/8/14

Is it really already Friday again?! I have had such a busy week! I haven't had any time to catch up on watching YouTube videos or reading blogs (or writing in my own blog!) so I am going to try to get that done over the next few days!

Here are the products I have been loving all week long!

1. NYX Blush in Pinched

     I have had this blush for quite a while but I haven't used it in at least a couple of months. I just have been reaching for other blushes and have been neglecting this one. I decided one day that I need to use it because it had been so long and I was reminded what a great blush it really is! Great pigmentation is a huge thing I look for in products -- I really dislike when I have to build up product in order to get the pigmentation I want. Ain't nobody got time for that!!! ;) This blush definitely does not need to be built up. The color payoff is incredible and I barely need any of it on my brush to show up on my cheeks. This particular color is more of a bold pink and has a bit of shimmer in it. I think it is not only perfect for summer, but will be great for fall/winter as well! NYX, in general, has awesome products for such affordable prices!

2. Hoola Bronzer by Benefit

     I decided to use some of my Birchbox points and got this bronzer last week. I have always had my eye on it but just have never purchased it. And what is better than getting it for free?! I have been absolutely loving it and have been using it all week. I wish I would have gotten it sooner! It does not have any type of orange undertone to it and if you don't like shimmery bronzers, this one is perfect because it is matte! I also love the packaging! I love when companies really put that extra effort into their products and come up with unique packaging. It makes it more intriguing and kind of ropes you in! I don't own any Benefit blushes and after using this bronzer, the blushes have made it to my list of things I need to buy! 

3. Bath and Body Works Candle in Sparkling Berry Fizz

     I have been obsessed with candles lately! I have never really been into candles as much as I have been this summer. And I have especially been loving the Bath and Body candles because you can just immediately smell them as soon as you light them. I saw their "Summer Sips" collection and knew I needed one! They really do smell so summery and refreshing. The "Sparkling Berry Fizz" was the one that I liked the most when I was smelling all the different candles in the collection at the store and I have been loving it even more at home! The scent is made of elderberries and black currents and just smells so yummy! I have already burned through half of it and have only used it a couple of times! I just love it and have been letting it burn all day! I think I need to pick a few more... but I am also getting excited for Fall scents coming up so soon!!! I love Fall!! :)

4. Sally Hansen Big Matte Top Coat

     I heard about the OPI Matte Top Coat and wanted so badly to try it! (I think I am a little obsessed with matte!) I couldn't find the OPI one anywhere, so instead of ordering it, I decided to give this one a try when I saw it at Walmart. I am so impressed with the formula and don't even feel the need to try the OPI one. You only need one coat and it transforms your polish to matte! It is so cool! Plus, the Sally Hansen Matte Top Coat is only $5.49 and I believe the OPI Matte Top Coat is around $9.50. So you're saving some money and getting a great product! I definitely recommend this if you are looking for a matte top coat!

5. Gerard Cosmetics/Whitening Lightening lipglosses

     These glosses are just everywhere! If you are a beauty lover, then you have these glosses. Well, I sadly did not have any! I have been wanting them for so long but when I was in Italy, I was unable to get them over there. (Or if they do ship internationally, I wasn't going to pay for that!) I am surprised I didn't order them as soon as I got home but I just never got around to it. I finally took advantage of their sale a couple weeks ago which was 3 glosses for $29. A great deal since they are normally $24 a piece! I wanted to get all of them and couldn't decide which 3 I should get! They all look so amazing! I finally went Nude, Butter Cream and Pouty Princess. OMG! I am in love! These glosses are truly incredible! They are so beautiful... amazing formula... and I can honestly say these are by far my favorite glosses now over any others. Yes, they are that good! I can't wait to get more and if I could, I would own every single one they have! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

Have a wonderful weekend, dolls! I have some ideas for new posts hopefully coming your way next week!

xoxo Kayla


Friday, August 1, 2014

Products that didn't work for me: July 2014


Since I have been sharing my "Friday Five" every week of the products I have been loving, I thought I would share products that haven't worked for me this past month. Not only do I enjoy hearing what others have been loving, I really do like hearing about what doesn't work for them as well. If I am interested in a product, it is so nice to know what others think about it and I can have an idea on what to expect. One product might work amazing for someone and for another person, it is just not right for them - that is the power of makeup in my eyes! You can learn about pros and cons of a particular product and decide if it will fit your individual needs! 

For July, I had three products that just didn't work for me personally. Only having three products that didn't work throughout the whole month is not that bad though, so I think I came out alright!

1. Salon Grafix "Play it Big" Volumizing Dry Shampoo
     A couple of weeks ago I talked about Batiste Dry Shampoo being in my Friday Five. I ran out of my Batiste and couldn't find it anywhere so I had to settle on a different dry shampoo for a while which I ended up absolutely hating. This is that dry shampoo I was talking about. I decided to try this one out because I really do love the hairspray from this line. It is my holy grail hairspray and I have gone through dozens of bottles from Salon Grafix and thought if I love the hairspray, I am sure the dry shampoo is great too! Sadly, I was wrong. It claims to be volumizing and I did not experience that whatsoever. It didn't take away any greasiness from my hair - I felt like it made it look even worse! With Batiste, you just spray a few quick sprays and your hair is fresh and volumized and good to go! With this, no matter how little or how much I sprayed in my hair it really did nothing for me - I felt like I was just spraying a product into my hair that yielded no results. Although I am extremely disappointed in this dry shampoo, I still love Salon Grafix because of their hairspray! (Find it at Target or Walmart!)

2. Marc Anthony Dream Waves Beach Spray
     I got this product in my Ipsy bag for the month of June. I didn't try it out until a couple of weeks ago and I was so sad it didn't work for me! I love soft waves and wear my hair like that often so I was so excited when I received this! The first thing I did was smell it and it smells HEAVENLY. It smells like coconuts and I love anything tropical like that. I tried it out on my damp hair and after a couple of hours, it looked like a wet mop that had been set out to dry. Not the luscious beach waves I had been hoping for! I do have a lot of hair and the product is really lightweight, so I don't know if I just didn't put enough product in (I felt like I did!), but it just didn't work for me. I don't think that this is a bad product though! I could tell it was creating waves in my damp hair and the actual product feels of great quality so I am sure other girls have had better results than me. If you have tried this out, let me know how it worked/didn't work for you!

3. Physicians Formula Nude Wear Glowing Nude Blush in Natural
     I posted on my Instagram (@beautyandbasketball) mid-July that Target was having buy one, get one free on all Physicians Formula products and this was one of the products I got. I was excited because I had never used Physicians Formula products so this was the perfect excuse to try it out! But again,I was incredibly disappointed in this blush. It has no pigmentation whatsoever. I have to go back with my brush to get more and more product to make it show up on my cheeks and even then, it still is barely noticeable. I'm not the fairest, but I do have pretty light skin and if this doesn't show up on me, I can't imagine it working for girls who have a darker complexion than me. And honestly, the other product I got was the Mineral Glow Pearls highlighter in Beige Pearl and I am not that impressed with it either. I am still on the fence trying to decide if I like it or not, but I definitely have not been reaching for it when doing my makeup. I don't want to give up hope on Physicians Formula, so if you have any recommendations on products you think are great from this line, please let me know!

I swatched this on my arm and cropped the area it was in... If I hadn't cropped it, you wouldn't have even been able to tell where it was at on my arm! (And still barely noticeable!)

So that is it! And I am ok with having products that don't work out for me. It is fun to try out new things and if it doesn't work, no big deal! 

On a side note, if you have a blog or YouTube channel, let me know what it is! I would love to check it out! It is so fun getting to know girls in the beauty community!

Have a fabulous weekend!

xoxo Kayla