Thursday, August 28, 2014

Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains

I have to start off by saying.... WOW! I am so impressed with the Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains! I picked up one, had to get a couple more and now I am hooked! And you need to know how amazing these are too! :)

Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains

I was browsing the makeup at the drugstore a couple of weeks ago and I came across the Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains. I have seen these around of course, but I had not tried one yet. On a whim, I decided that I needed one so I could try it out. I grabbed the color "Smitten" because I thought that it would be a nice berry color for fall.




The next day, I was getting ready for church and I had on a top that I thought would go really well with this new balm stain so I thought "Why wait til fall?! I will wear it now!" To say I was shocked is a little bit of an understatement when I started to apply it. I could not believe how pretty and pigmented it was. If you think the swatch looks a little sheer, do not let that fool you! I honestly do not think I have tried out any lip product from the drugstore that is as pigmented as this was! I am truly amazed! And what I am even more amazed about is after church, it looked like I had just applied it! It was still just as pigmented and didn't dry out whatsoever. The formula is just a knock out when it comes to color pay off, staying power and it is very hydrating for hours! (It also has the slightest minty scent, which I love!)

I had to go get more immediately so I also picked up "Adore" and "Honey". "Adore" is more of a brick red and "Honey" is a mauvy-pink nude. Both beautiful colors as well! On a side note: If you saw on my Instagram, my dog, Macy, apparently also liked "Honey" too because she got into it and chewed it up! I only had the opportunity to swatch it and hadn't even gotten to wear it! But I loved it so much that I had to go out today and repurchase a new one. Little Stinker!!







The only downside I have with these Colorbursts is that I do not think the packaging does the best job at representing what the colors are going to look like. I know with drugstore products, you kind of have to roll the dice a little bit because you are unable to swatch them. Although I am completely satisfied with the colors, they were all a little bit different than what I was expecting. "Smitten" had more of a pink undertone than I was expecting, "Adore" was not a deep red that I thought it would be, and "Honey" was not as much of a true pink as it looked to me in the packaging.

Overall though, I am not in the least bit disappointed! I want to now try the matte formula that they offer in this line! I am sure they are just as amazing! I also saw that they have a shiny "laquer balm" which I will have to check out also!

What are some of your favorite shades and recommendations that I should try out from the Colorburst Collection?

Macy likes them too ;)

xoxo Kayla


  1. Smitten is the only one I have and I love it! Now I want honey too... Oh no, bad Macy haha ;) Macy is adorable by the way.

  2. How cute is Macy! What a little rascal -- she's adorable. Revlon for me has always been generally hit and miss, but I think I'll give these a go when I next find them on sale.

    Sarah xo
    Diary of a Beauty Padawan

    1. Yes, definitely give them a try! I don't think they would disappoint!! :)

  3. Lovely shade, i think Honey has to be my fave!
    xprincessjas | ♥
