Thursday, August 21, 2014

Lush, Sephora, MAC: Haul and Review

Hi Loves!

A few weeks ago, I posted a picture on Insta of a little shopping haul. I wanted to share the products with you but I also wanted to try them out and give you my honest opinions on them.

Now that I have had time to use each of the products for a while, here is what I think!

From Lush:

Mask of Magnaminty
     This was my first ever mask from Lush! I have been wanting to try Lush products out for so long and I am so happy I was finally able to purchase a couple. I have always considered ordering online, but I knew that I should probably wait until I was able to be in an actual Lush store to figure out what I think that I would like. Mask of Magnaminty has been on my list to look into so this is one of the first products I looked at! The associate told me this is a great overall mask for a deeper cleanse and that I could use it on both my face or back. I didn't need much convincing since I have had my eye on it so I decided to go with it! I absolutely love it! It kind of has a little bit of an "earthy" smell to it but the peppermint definitely overpowers it. And I love mint scents so this is definitely up my alley! This mask feels SO REFRESHING immediately as you apply it. It has a little bit of a tingling feeling but I like that! It is definitely not bothersome and you can't even notice it after a minute or two. I feel like my face has felt so much smoother the past couple of weeks and I definitely think this mask has been a major factor in it. I have used this mask probably a half a dozen times now and I have so much left (and it is only a small jar!). I really would be surprised to hear if anyone didn't like this mask because it really has done wonders for me!

Mint Julips
     I wanted to get a fresh mask but they were all sold out! Sad! Plus the store was so busy that I decided after finding Mask of Magnaminty, I would be happy with just getting one product since it was my first Lush experience. But while I was checking out, they had all of the lip scrubs in a jar by the register. I have heard about "Popcorn" so I started looking at them all. I asked the girl about the lip scrubs and she told me she loved them and that all you did was put them on your lips, scrub them, lick the extra off and then swallow. UMMM, EXCUSE ME?! I was taken aback that she told me you just swallow the rest of the product! Seems a little gross to me since it is supposed to be sluffing off the dead skin and I really don't want to be swallowing it! It is vegan so I know that there is nothing wrong with ingesting the ingredients, but I decided I will just spit mine out in a sink! ;) I went with Mint Julips over Popcorn and Bubblegum because like I said, I love mint! And I really do like this lip scrub! I think it has helped my lips become so much smoother and my lipstick looks much more prettier these days!

From Sephora:

Bare Minerals Biolucent Mineral Brightening Treatment
     Since this past winter, I have been struggling with acne. It has been such a frustrating and embarrassing experience. Since I was a teenager, I have only had very minimal acne here and there so I have no idea why I have been having such troubles with it now. Nothing was helping but I am now just finally starting to get it under control. My skin has taken a bad hit though from so many months of having acne. I have a lot of post-acne spots/scarring and it makes me feel like I can't go anywhere without covering it with makeup. I have been watching Kayleigh Noelle on YouTube and she talked about how she has had troubles with acne as well. She posted a video about this Bare Minerals Brightening Treatment and said it helped clear her acne scars! It really is incredible and her skin looks so beautiful and glowing! (You can see her review here) I decided that I would fork over the $55 because I desperately want my skin to look better. I have been told it takes about 4 weeks to start seeing results. I am on my 3rd week right now and I can honestly say that I am starting to see results! I am noticing that my acne scars are starting to lighten and my skin has more of a glow to it! I am so happy with the results as of now and can't wait to see what another 3 weeks+ will do! I will keep you updated!

From MAC:

Eyeshadow in Shroom (Satin)
     Jaclyn Hill is always using Shroom in her tutorials! I said "Alright, Kayla! You gotta get it!" I didn't even look at it in the store... I just asked the girl to get it for me! I've seen it enough in her videos, so I think its ok that I did that! :) Well, of course Jaclyn knows her stuff! I have been loving this as a highlight on the browbone. It truly is the perfect highlight and will go with whatever shadows you are using! To me, it looks like this silvery-champagne color and I have never seen anything like it! It is such a beautiful color. It lasts all day and doesn't wear away. If you're looking for a great universal highlight for the browbone, this is it!

Powder Blush in Lovecloud (Satin)
     I have been using so many peachy/corally blushes lately and I wanted to mix it up a little bit. I wanted to get more of a babydoll/barbie pink and I think Lovecloud is exactly that! It truly reminds me of a barbie doll! But don't worry... it does not look tacky on the skin! It is SO pretty!! It comes off as a soft and gorgeous glow and it is the perfect pop of pink for the cheeks! I have been loving it and wish I had found it sooner!

Lipstick in Plink! (Lustre)
     Ok first of all, how do you even decide what lipstick to get from MAC!? They are all so amazing and I wish I could have bought all of them :) Of course I was swatching a billion lipsticks and I came across Plink! I hadn't even heard of Plink! before I swatched it but something about it made me think that this is one that I needed. It comes across as a typical neutral pink, but when applied it just has this beautiful glossiness to it. I am so happy I purchased this because I fall in love with it more and more every time I wear it! I also like that I got something that is not a staple to most MAC lipstick collections. It's fun to be different :)

Lipstick in Plumful (Lustre)
     I am obsessed with Fall! It is my absolute favorite time of the year and I wanted to get a Fall lipstick! Even though I was jumping the gun a little bit in late July when I got this, I just couldn't help myself! It really is right around the corner anyways! This color is, again right up my alley, as far as fall colors go. I love berry colors and this is the perfect plumy-berry. It will be perfect to wear right at the beginning of Fall because it isn't a dark, deep color. I just can't wait... I will probably be wearing it September 1st :)

Top: Plumful
Bottom: Plink!

On a side note: What are some of your favorite fall lipsticks?? I am on the hunt for more :)

xoxo Kayla


  1. Oohh GREAT MAC picks, that blush looks amazing and I always think to myself I need to get Shroom when I see Jaclyn use it. I just love Lush! The Turkish Delight shower smoothie is my favorite thing from there :)

  2. I love lush! It's the best shop and it always smells so great. I totally agree that Jaclyn hill knows her stuff' she's amazing!! My favourite MAC colour is one called royal azalea. It's beautifully creamy x
