Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Five: 8/15/14

Happy Friday <3

You know the drill..... Here are my faves this week :)

(ps.. they are all eye products this week!)

1. Better Than Sex Mascara by Too Faced

     I have been using this mascara every day! I love how my lashes have been looking when using this. It gives my lashes length and volume and I don't notice any clumping or flaking away throughout the day. I also love the packaging. It feels so glamorous! It is so sleek and the tube is heavier than most mascara tubes and it makes me feel like I have a luxurious treasure :) I am super picky about mascaras... I can never find any that I think look good so I find it to be a personal victory for myself that I have a mascara in my top five :) 

2. Smoky Cream Liner in Must Have (Waterproof) by Sephora

     I got this gel liner a while back in an eyeliner set from Sephora. This was actually the first gel liner I ever tried and I still love it! At first I was a little intimidated applying a gel liner but it glides on sooo easily! It is super creamy and it doesn't get hard and break up during the day at all. "Must Have" is a black color and it is SUPER black.. very pigmented! I have been using it all week because I have been wanting a bolder liner every day and this literally only takes a few seconds to apply and I am good to go! This is a great product from the Sephora line and I am very impressed with it!

3. The Nudes Palette by Maybelline

     I just posted a review on this palette in my last post. Check it out to find out my thoughts on it! And those are all of the reasons why I have been loving this palette this week! :)

4. Behind the Scenes Eye Primer by Lorac

     This is a great eye primer in my opinion! It works so well for me as it helps keep my eye makeup just as fresh looking as when I applied it. It helps keep the color vibrant and helps the shadows to be long wearing. With some eye primers, I have noticed that some of it will settle in certain areas and be almost a cakey-like consistency which then makes the shadows look cakey. I have never experienced that with this eye primer and know that I can always count on it giving a great base for my eyeshadow.

5. Infallible Eye Shadow in Iced Latte by L'Oreal
     I had to get this pigment because in one day I saw two reviews on it and I was sold! I watched Jaclyn Hill use it in one of her videos and then I was reading one of my favorite blogs "Make Me Up Mia" and Mia had done a review on a few of these Infallible Eye Shadows. "Iced Latte" was one of them and I was able to see the color up close and see how pretty it was! I was obsessed and needed it immediately after reading her review! I went out that day and got it and I have been absolutely loving it! I have been using this color mostly on the lid and I need to go out and get more! It is so easy to work with and I apply it with either a brush or my finger. You barely need any product and you are set for the day! 

And there you have it! You could get a whole eye look out of these products :)

Have a fabulous weekend, dolls!

xoxo Kayla

1 comment :

  1. YOU are a doll! So happy you are loving it, I seriously can't get enough of that and Amber Rush, so easy and beautiful. Also, is Jaclyn Hill not amazing, love her. I have been using the Too Faced mascara pretty much everyday, I'm almost out :( Happy weekend pretty girl XO
