Friday, August 1, 2014

Products that didn't work for me: July 2014


Since I have been sharing my "Friday Five" every week of the products I have been loving, I thought I would share products that haven't worked for me this past month. Not only do I enjoy hearing what others have been loving, I really do like hearing about what doesn't work for them as well. If I am interested in a product, it is so nice to know what others think about it and I can have an idea on what to expect. One product might work amazing for someone and for another person, it is just not right for them - that is the power of makeup in my eyes! You can learn about pros and cons of a particular product and decide if it will fit your individual needs! 

For July, I had three products that just didn't work for me personally. Only having three products that didn't work throughout the whole month is not that bad though, so I think I came out alright!

1. Salon Grafix "Play it Big" Volumizing Dry Shampoo
     A couple of weeks ago I talked about Batiste Dry Shampoo being in my Friday Five. I ran out of my Batiste and couldn't find it anywhere so I had to settle on a different dry shampoo for a while which I ended up absolutely hating. This is that dry shampoo I was talking about. I decided to try this one out because I really do love the hairspray from this line. It is my holy grail hairspray and I have gone through dozens of bottles from Salon Grafix and thought if I love the hairspray, I am sure the dry shampoo is great too! Sadly, I was wrong. It claims to be volumizing and I did not experience that whatsoever. It didn't take away any greasiness from my hair - I felt like it made it look even worse! With Batiste, you just spray a few quick sprays and your hair is fresh and volumized and good to go! With this, no matter how little or how much I sprayed in my hair it really did nothing for me - I felt like I was just spraying a product into my hair that yielded no results. Although I am extremely disappointed in this dry shampoo, I still love Salon Grafix because of their hairspray! (Find it at Target or Walmart!)

2. Marc Anthony Dream Waves Beach Spray
     I got this product in my Ipsy bag for the month of June. I didn't try it out until a couple of weeks ago and I was so sad it didn't work for me! I love soft waves and wear my hair like that often so I was so excited when I received this! The first thing I did was smell it and it smells HEAVENLY. It smells like coconuts and I love anything tropical like that. I tried it out on my damp hair and after a couple of hours, it looked like a wet mop that had been set out to dry. Not the luscious beach waves I had been hoping for! I do have a lot of hair and the product is really lightweight, so I don't know if I just didn't put enough product in (I felt like I did!), but it just didn't work for me. I don't think that this is a bad product though! I could tell it was creating waves in my damp hair and the actual product feels of great quality so I am sure other girls have had better results than me. If you have tried this out, let me know how it worked/didn't work for you!

3. Physicians Formula Nude Wear Glowing Nude Blush in Natural
     I posted on my Instagram (@beautyandbasketball) mid-July that Target was having buy one, get one free on all Physicians Formula products and this was one of the products I got. I was excited because I had never used Physicians Formula products so this was the perfect excuse to try it out! But again,I was incredibly disappointed in this blush. It has no pigmentation whatsoever. I have to go back with my brush to get more and more product to make it show up on my cheeks and even then, it still is barely noticeable. I'm not the fairest, but I do have pretty light skin and if this doesn't show up on me, I can't imagine it working for girls who have a darker complexion than me. And honestly, the other product I got was the Mineral Glow Pearls highlighter in Beige Pearl and I am not that impressed with it either. I am still on the fence trying to decide if I like it or not, but I definitely have not been reaching for it when doing my makeup. I don't want to give up hope on Physicians Formula, so if you have any recommendations on products you think are great from this line, please let me know!

I swatched this on my arm and cropped the area it was in... If I hadn't cropped it, you wouldn't have even been able to tell where it was at on my arm! (And still barely noticeable!)

So that is it! And I am ok with having products that don't work out for me. It is fun to try out new things and if it doesn't work, no big deal! 

On a side note, if you have a blog or YouTube channel, let me know what it is! I would love to check it out! It is so fun getting to know girls in the beauty community!

Have a fabulous weekend!

xoxo Kayla


  1. I got the same beach wave spray in my Ipsy bag too but haven't tried it yet. Stinks that it didn't work for u! And that PF blush looks so pretty in the packaging! I would be very disappointed with the color payoff too!

  2. I got the Beach spray also. I tried it one evening thought it did pretty good. But after sleeping it looked pretty sad. But willing to try it again and wear it longer. Hopefully it will be ok. Never tried one before and don't have very much curl to my hair naturally.
