Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More on being a Basketball Wife

Hi everyone!

I thought I should probably share more about the basketball part of my life. I've been sharing mostly about beauty and after all, basketball is the other half of why I named my blog what I did!

I am a basketball wife. I have been very fortunate to be a part of my husband's success as a professional basketball player and his job has led us to having the opportunity of living in Europe.

I met my husband, Tyler, when I was a freshman in college. It is such a typical story! He was a basketball player and I was on the dance team. We became instant friends and we could both probably admit that we fell for each other pretty quickly! We dated throughout college and as he progressed each year in basketball, we knew that he would be doing something with it professionally after his college career was over.

Tyler graduated a year before me and he began his professional career in Europe. It was extremely difficult to be away from him for 9 months but I had to finish school. I was only able to see him for 10 days over Christmas when I went to visit him over my break. That first year was so hard but we truly grew a deeper appreciation for one another while we we were apart.

Tyler has his summers off to be back home in the States and after I graduated, we got engaged. I was able to visit him for longer periods of time but essentially, I stayed in the States again during his season to work and plan our wedding. We got married last summer so this past season was the first time I had actually gotten to be with him for an extended period of time and experience what his career has brought him to.

I feel extremely blessed to be able to experience the world with Tyler. Last season he played for a team in Italy and it is so amazing that I can say I got to live in such a beautiful country! We were able to visit so many incredible cities and he had a great season.

Although I would never complain or take for granted what God has blessed me with, being a basketball wife in a foreign country can get pretty lonely. We are away from family and friends for 8-9 months out of the year. Also, Tyler has multiple practices each week and I end up with a lot of free time.... which is why I started my blog!

I have always liked makeup, but my passion for it really grew while I was in Italy. I would watch all of these beauty gurus on YouTube and read beauty blogs and I just fell in love with makeup and beauty! I started learning so many things that I never knew how to do and learned about so many products that I never knew existed. As my passion and knowledge for it grew, I felt like this was something that I could do too!

Tyler has signed with a team for this upcoming season in FRANCE! I am extremely excited for him and can't wait for this new adventure! I can't wait to experience a new country and I am also looking forward to taking my blogging more seriously and growing in the beauty community!

So that, in a nutshell, is our story! I am looking forward to sharing more of my experiences with you overseas :)

xoxo Kayla

This photo is from our engagement session.... Will always be one of my favorite photos!!

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