Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More on being a Basketball Wife

Hi everyone!

I thought I should probably share more about the basketball part of my life. I've been sharing mostly about beauty and after all, basketball is the other half of why I named my blog what I did!

I am a basketball wife. I have been very fortunate to be a part of my husband's success as a professional basketball player and his job has led us to having the opportunity of living in Europe.

I met my husband, Tyler, when I was a freshman in college. It is such a typical story! He was a basketball player and I was on the dance team. We became instant friends and we could both probably admit that we fell for each other pretty quickly! We dated throughout college and as he progressed each year in basketball, we knew that he would be doing something with it professionally after his college career was over.

Tyler graduated a year before me and he began his professional career in Europe. It was extremely difficult to be away from him for 9 months but I had to finish school. I was only able to see him for 10 days over Christmas when I went to visit him over my break. That first year was so hard but we truly grew a deeper appreciation for one another while we we were apart.

Tyler has his summers off to be back home in the States and after I graduated, we got engaged. I was able to visit him for longer periods of time but essentially, I stayed in the States again during his season to work and plan our wedding. We got married last summer so this past season was the first time I had actually gotten to be with him for an extended period of time and experience what his career has brought him to.

I feel extremely blessed to be able to experience the world with Tyler. Last season he played for a team in Italy and it is so amazing that I can say I got to live in such a beautiful country! We were able to visit so many incredible cities and he had a great season.

Although I would never complain or take for granted what God has blessed me with, being a basketball wife in a foreign country can get pretty lonely. We are away from family and friends for 8-9 months out of the year. Also, Tyler has multiple practices each week and I end up with a lot of free time.... which is why I started my blog!

I have always liked makeup, but my passion for it really grew while I was in Italy. I would watch all of these beauty gurus on YouTube and read beauty blogs and I just fell in love with makeup and beauty! I started learning so many things that I never knew how to do and learned about so many products that I never knew existed. As my passion and knowledge for it grew, I felt like this was something that I could do too!

Tyler has signed with a team for this upcoming season in FRANCE! I am extremely excited for him and can't wait for this new adventure! I can't wait to experience a new country and I am also looking forward to taking my blogging more seriously and growing in the beauty community!

So that, in a nutshell, is our story! I am looking forward to sharing more of my experiences with you overseas :)

xoxo Kayla

This photo is from our engagement session.... Will always be one of my favorite photos!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Five! 7/25/14

Happy Friday!!

Do you all have any big plans for the weekend? I made a spur of the moment trip back to my hometown in Iowa yesterday for the weekend, so I am going to try to get this posted before I get busy doing things with my family! 

My faves this week are:

Snapped a quick pic on my iPhone.... Forgot my camera at home :(

1. Purity Made Simple Mask by Philosophy
     I ordered this mask a couple of weeks ago because I have been wanting to try a new mask. It had good reviews on Sephora and it wasn't terribly expensive ($25) like the majority of masks are so I thought I would give it a try! I must say I do like this product, but it is not the typical mask that you think of. It is a gel consistency that turns into a white foam and you only leave it on your skin for 60 seconds. I am so used to masks like GlamGlow that dry and get hard and you leave on your face for 20 minutes. I have to admit though that this is a nice change. I like that it isn't so harsh feeling. I feel like I am just putting this really deep cleanser on my skin and it leaves my skin feeling so soft and looking radiant. If you are looking for a mask that is more gentle but still just as effective as any other mask, I think you would like this one!

2. Chocolate Solieil Bronzer by Too Faced

     YEP! Another Too Faced Product! Sorry, I am obsessed :) A couple months ago, I ordered the little packaged set of the Better Than Sex Mascara that came with a small Chocolate Soliel bronzer. I have used it here and there, but this week I have been using this bronzer every day! I love that it is matte because I am not really into anything too shimmery when it comes to bronzers. I think that it also has the perfect pigmentation because on days where I just want a little bit of bronzer, I can do a light application and on other days when I want to do a more defined contour, it can be easily built up. And maybe the best part about this bronzer.... it smells like CHOCOLATE!

3. L'Oreal Infallible Eyeliner in Black

     I posted on my Instagram(@beautyandbasketball) a couple of weeks ago that I picked up this eyeliner because I had been hearing great things on it. And all of the things I have been hearing are true! This is a great eyeliner. This black is SO black! The pigmentation in this product is amazing. I apply one swipe and that is all I need. I don't need to keep going over it to make it stand out. The formula is super creamy. It just glides right on! You don't need a heavy hand at all! I absolutely can't stand when eyeliners run throughout the day and this stays right in place! I don't have to worry about any eyeliner running in the corners of my eyes. If you're looking for a good drugstore eyeliner, check this one out!

Numbers 4. and 5. are both blushes so I am combining them!

Melba by MAC and Luminoso by Milani
     If you watch any beauty guru on YouTube, these are staple blushes in their collection. But up until last week, I didn't have either of these blushes! I can't find Milani products in my city in Minnesota (which is weird because it is one of the larger cities) so I had to order it and I just never had picked up Melba until now. I have been loving both of these this week and have just been switching back and forth between the two of them. I love Melba because it is matte (even though I love all types of finishes on blushes, mattes are my favorite!). Melba is this beautiful corally-peach color. I can see why so many people have it in their collection because I think it really would look so great on so many different skin tones. The color lasts through the entire day and doesn't fade away.  In my opinion, you just can't go wrong with a MAC blush and Melba really is essential to any collection! .... Luminoso is similar in color - it is a corally-peach color - but it has a shimmer to it and it is more luminating (hence it's name!). It is not as deep in color as Melba - it is just a soft, pretty coral/peach. I think this blush is absolutely perfect for summer. Luminoso just has the prettiest glow that wearing a highlighter is not even necessary! Like Melba, I think this blush would look absolutely amazing on anyone and the color stays throughout the day! So get this one too :)

Have a great weekend, Beauties!!
xoxo Kayla

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Too Faced Melted Lipstick

Hi dolls!

I wanted to give you a review on the Too Faced Melted Liquified Lipstick. This product isn't brand new, but was released only recently. 

I first saw this product right away when Too Faced was promoting it on their social media outlets this past spring. Of course, I was intrigued because I am a Too Faced junkie! When it released, I did not have any access to it though. My husband played for a team in Italy this past season and our Sephora did not carry Too Faced products. (a REAL heartbreaker for me, but I was happy we at least had a Sephora!) When we got back to the States, this was one of the first products I got my hands on! 

I wanted to actually swatch the different shades before I just ordered one. I am very particular about lipstick... I don't think I can pull off very many colors! So although I only own one of these, I did swatch all of the colors and can at least give you an idea on what to expect no matter what color you may choose to get!

I love neutral colors so I got the shade "Melted Peony". It is described as a "dusty rose" color and I think that is a great way to describe it. It is more of a muted pink. If you like more of a pinky-nude lip, this color would be right up your alley!

Alright...... I can't even tell you how awesome the pigmentation is in these lipsticks!! WOW! Even my neutral color is so opaque and I literally only need one swipe of the product on my lips. The color pay-off is incredible. "Melted Coral" and "Melted Ruby" also stick in my mind from swatching them. If you like bright lips you must check out those shades! SO pigmented, SO rich, SO bold!

I started out with two swatches the same width (as the bottom swatch in this picture) and tried to sheer out the product on the top swatch... as you can see, it does not get sheer at all and stays completely pigmented!!!! 

The formula is amazing. It is so creamy and not sticky at all! It has the shine of a lipgloss and the staying power of a high quality lipstick. With some lipsticks, I feel like I have to re-apply and re-apply because the lipstick just fades away so quickly. I do not get that with this at all! It it so long-lasting and I don't have to keep it within an arms reach to keep applying.

The applicator has a little sponge on the end of it. I actually really like this because I feel like it really disperses the product evenly. You also do not need a lot of product! I barely squeeze any out and the smallest amount covers my lips. 

You can see in this picture where the product comes out of the applicator

The only con I have found with this lipstick is that it does have a little bit of an odd smell. It is nothing overbearing but I do notice it when I am applying it... But it does not last throughout the day and I don't any whiffs of it after applying it.

I absolutely recommend the Melted Liquified Lipstick and you have so many great color options to find the one that you would love to wear! It retails for $21 at Sephora and I think that is a very reasonable price for how great the quality is. The colors are incredible, it stays forever on the lips, and one tube is going to last you a very long time!

Thanks for stopping by! I am loving my blogging experience and appreciate your support!

xoxo Kayla

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Five! 7/18/14

Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted since my last Friday Five! I had an extremely busy week. But I also have some exciting news! I purchased a new camera! I have also been busy with testing it out and trying to figure out how to take good pictures! I am so excited that I can start posting higher quality photos on my blog for you all!

I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to an even better weekend! Here are the products I have been loving for this week's Friday Five!

1. Daisy by Marc Jacobs
     This is my ALL TIME, HOLY GRAIL, FOREVER FAVORITE perfume! We all know it takes forever to get through a bottle of perfume, and I am on my second one! I really do try to switch up my perfumes but this week I have just been reaching for my baby every day. I love Daisy because it is such a feminine, girly scent. It is so light and refreshing and that is what I look for in a perfume. It is a perfect mixture of fruity and floral. This perfume is perfect for the summer time but I wear it year round because I love it that much! Check out Sephora's website for the description and maybe even add it to your cart too ;)

2. Mary-Lou Manizer by The Balm
      This is my current favorite highlighter! It is sooooo pretty! It gives your skin such a beautiful glow. I like that with this product, you can see it immediately when you apply it. I don't like highlighters that take forever for the color pay-off to show by building it up. It has the perfect amount of shimmer in it and I feel comfortable using it on the tops of my cheeks, bridge of my nose, and my forehead without feeling like I look like a disco ball! It is so natural looking and I can't get enough of it!

3. Batiste Dry Shampoo 
     Ok. I ran out of this dry shampoo about a month ago. I couldn't find it anywhere so I ended up buying a different brand. After getting a different bottle, I realized how much I loved this dry shampoo. The other brand was absolutely awful and did nothing for me. I missed not having Batiste and I am so glad to have it back in my life! I even got a back-up so I don't have to be without it again :) My hair tends to get a little greasy-looking on days that I don't wash it and I absolutely LOVE this dry shampoo because it immediately takes any greasiness away and makes it look so fresh - like I just showered. The cherry on top for me is that it gives you volume and texture too! It is an incredible product! I use this version of the Batiste dry shampoo for my blonde hair but I know they also make a version with a hint of color for those of you who have darker hair. I love that they have catered to different hair colors so that it can work for everyone!

4. L'Oreal Voluminous Miss Manga Mascara
     I have to admit: I bought this mascara about a month ago because everyone was raving about it. I also have to admit: I HATED it when I first got it! I tried it out and it was not adhering to my eyelashes and getting all over my eyelids and underneath my eyes. It was a mess and I couldn't understand why everyone loved it. I threw it in with the rest of my mascaras and forgot about it until this week. I decided to give it one more try on Monday morning. And again I admit: I have been wearing it every day this week! I think since I let it sit for a while it maybe dried out a little bit or something? I don't know but the consistency is so much better now. It is not a wet mess and I love how it makes my eyelashes look longer and fuller now. If you had the same experience, give it another try after a few weeks!

5. MAC Cremesheen Glass in Just Superb
     I am in love with this color! As I have stated before, I love nude lips and it is basically what I wear 90% of the time. This lipglass goes perfect with any nude lipstick you could ever possibly wear. For real! It is the most perfect, beautiful light pink. It is super sheer so it doesn't take away from the color of your lipstick. I have put it over about 4 different lipsticks this week and it just amps up each one to make the color stand out even more! If you are looking for your next lipglass from MAC, add this one to your list!

xoxo Kayla

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Five! 7/11/14

Yay! It's Friday!

I love when beauty lovers post their weekly favorites. Sometimes, we are just overloaded with reviews and opinions on new products that we forget about the oldies, but goodies! And weekly favorites can be a perfect mixture of both new and older products! I love seeing products that aren't always brand new because I either am reminded to use them from my own collection or I find out information on products that I want to buy and try! And if they are in someone's favorites, they are most likely going to be great products that I will like as well!

Each week I will let you know what five products I have been loving. So here we go!!

1. Pixi Flawless Beauty Primer
     I got this in my Ipsy bag a few months ago and I honestly kind of forgot about it! I didn't initially try it when I got it and just threw it in with my other primers. I decided to try it out a couple weeks ago and I have been using it every day this week! I love that when I put it on my face, it is illuminating and gives me a a soft glow. It is super moisturizing and gives the perfect base for my foundation. The luminosity is not overpowering at all and makes my skin look like it has a natural, dewy glow!

2. Victoria's Secret Sparkling Citrus Hand and Body Cream in Tangerine and Passion Flower
    I got this lotion at the semi-annual sale for only $3.75! I usually never buy different scented lotions...I am not a big lotion hoarder and I typically just use Jergens! But I saw this, thought it smelled good, and how can you go wrong spending four bucks on a lotion?! I am absolutely loving it. The scent is heavenly! It smells so light and refreshing! The lotion is extremely rich and leaves my skin feeling so soft and hydrated! It is infused with avocado, almond oils, and honey. How luxurious :)  I hope this is in their permanent collection because I need to get more in my life!

3. Too Faced Sweethearts Blush in Candy Glow
     If you follow me on Instagram (@beautyandbasketball) you will have seen that I recently purchased this blush. I have had my eye on it for so long and I love Too Faced products so I don't know what took me so long to get my hands on one! I have been using it every day this week and I am loving it! I like this blush because it creates this really soft, pink glow when you mix all the colors together.  I also love that with these blushes, you can use just one of the three shades in the blush or mix them all together. You can truly create your own individualized color!

4. L'Oreal Collection Privee Lipstick in Jennifer's Nude
     Every time I go to Target, I look for this collection of lipsticks! Nude Lipsticks are my absolute favorite! I have been wanting to get one of these for a couple months now but Target never had them! I was at Walmart one day, and what do you know, there they were! I decided that the J.Lo one looked like the one I would probably most likely use. I hate that you can't swatch drugstore products ! When I got home I tried it on immediately to see how it looked. I was kind of in shock at how much I instantly liked the lipstick! It is such a beautiful color! It has to be the prettiest pinky-nude lipstick I have ever tried from the drugstore. The formula is super creamy and the color is perfect for day or night!

5. Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil
     This oil is truly amazing! I have been putting it on every night after I wash my face this week and the next morning, my face feels so soft and looks so brightened! You can also use it on your hair and nails, but I just have been loving it so much for my face! I have acne prone skin and I really believe this helps! If I have a little breakout, the next morning it will look significantly better after putting this on! It also has anti-aging properties and is the most hydrating product I have tried! This little bottle has so many wonderful things going for it! If you are interested in trying it, the smallest bottle is only $16! A few drops of the oil go a long way so it does last quite a while! I highly recommend!

Let me know if you have any favorites this week! I love having excuses to try new products :)

xoxo Kayla

ps.... Please forgive me. I know my pictures are not great quality! I am hoping to invest in a nice camera soon :) I just want to snap a few pictures so you all have at least a reference of what I am talking about!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Lash Love

Happy Monday!

It is time to give a shout out to falsies!! I just love putting my lashes on at the end doing my makeup! I feel like it ties everything together and makes my makeup look ten times better! It is amazing what a pair of lashes can do to change the look of your makeup. I feel so confident when I wear them and really makes the eyes pop!

Even though I do wear falsies, I prefer wearing natural looking ones. I want people to look at my lashes and think that they look real and can't tell that I am wearing false lashes. I have found the best natural looking lashes... HANDS DOWN!

House of Lashes "Sweet Romance" are my holy grail lashes! I get so many compliments when I wear them! I am constantly asked "How do you get your eyelashes to look like that?" or "Wow, your eyelashes are amazing!" I don't ever try to claim them as my own and girls are shocked when I tell them that they are false lashes. They tell me they look so natural and they would have never guessed they were fake. That is exactly what I want for my lashes to look like!

House of Lashes has amazing lashes! I have used a few different lashes from their collections and they are truly incredible! The quality of the lashes are amazing and if you take good care of the lashes, they can easily be reused several times! And guess what??? They are SO INEXPENSIVE!! The majority of their lashes range from $7-$9! Also, if you spend $25, you get free shipping and they ship incredibly fast! (How many more positive remarks can I make about this company :) Are you convinced yet?!)

I love that "Sweet Romance" by House of Lashes are naturally dramatic!

Whether you like something more natural like me or love bolder lashes, House of Lashes has it all! You must check them out!

xoxo Kayla

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Makeup Tag!

Hi loves! Hope you all had a fabulous 4th!!

So...Is it ok to do a makeup tag if someone doesn't technically tag you?? Hahaha! Well, I am going to do it anyways! I saw these questions and I decided I should fill them out so you all can get to know me just a little bit more!

20 Makeup Facts About Me!!

What foundation do you use?
My current favorites are (drugstore) Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3-in-1 foundation and (high-end) Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour foundation

How about concealer?
Drugstore - Maybelline Age Rewind
High-end - MAC Pro Longwear 

What do you think of fake eyelashes?
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Even the most natural looking ones can change the look of your makeup dramatically!

What brand of mascara do you use?
I am always looking for a good mascara!! My current favorites are YSL Babydoll and Dior Diorshow

Sephora or MAC?
Both! Duh :)

What makeup tools do you use in makeup application?
Beauty blender, eyelash curler, and brushes... Mostly Sigma... AMAZING BRUSHES!

Do you use makeup base/primer for the eyes?
Of course! 95 percent of the time I use Too Faced Shadow Insurance. All time fave!

For the face?
Right now I am loving Rimmel's Stay Matte primer

What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
This is a toughy because I am an eyeshadow palette hoarder! If I had to pick just one color, it would be Salted Caramel from the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette. Soooo pretty as a transition color!

Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
I use both! Just depends on what I am feeling for the day!

What is your favorite lipstick?
MAC Creme Cup. I'm in love!

How about lipgloss?
I would have to go with any of the NYX Butter Glosses!

What is your favorite blush to use?
Oh boy. Another toughy. I am obsessed with blush as well. Kat Von D Bellissima is a beautiful peachy-coral color. NARS Orgasm is a must have! And don't even get me started on MAC blushes ever!

Do you like drugstore makeup?
Yes! The drugstore has great products!

Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
I would really love to! But right now everything I know is from me doing my own makeup and getting tips from other beauty lovers!

Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
I am TERRIBLE at winged eyeliner! I can't master it for the life of me! If I attempt it, I have to go extremely slow and I always feel like it looks a little off!

Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
I do like both but I am definitely more of a neutral girl!

If you had to choose just ONE makeup item, what would it be?
Yeah right! That is impossible to answer! Don't ever ask a beauty lover that ;)

In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
I love so many products from so many different lines! I would have to say though that I am partial to Too Faced and MAC! And NOTHING beats Anastasia Beverly Hills brow products. Do not know what I would do without my brow wiz!!

What do you think of Makeup??
Obviously I love it! I love trying new products and learning new things about makeup! It's so much fun and I love sharing the love with you all :)

Share with me some of your makeup facts!!

xoxo Kayla

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Top 5 Beauty Steals

Hi Beauties!

 I thought for my first "real" post, I would share my "Top 5 Beauty Steals". There is nothing better than awesome products at an inexpensive price!!! These are my current top 5 favorite items that are super cheap but super amazing!

1. NYX Butter Glosses

     If you don't own a NYX Butter Gloss, you need to head to Target and get one (or several) in your life... now! These are hands down my favorite drugstore lip glosses and it will be hard to find something to beat it! The formula is amazing - not sticky at all and super creamy. The color pay off is incredible. I love wearing it alone or layering it over my favorite lipstick! At $4.99 each, this gloss has everything going for it!

2. Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3-in-1 Foundation

     I just started using this foundation a couple of months ago and it quickly became one of my favorites. It is a foundation, primer, and concealer all in one. Super convenient on those mornings when you are rushing and don't have time to apply product after product on your face! I also love it because it has an SPF 20 in it. With it being summer, it is very important to me to have a foundation with an SPF in it! This foundation has great coverage for a drugstore foundation and covers up my imperfections.  I will never feel bad repurchasing this product over and over at only $6.89!

3. Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer

     One of my favorite things to do when I am applying my makeup is highlighting and contouring! I like to buy this concealer in the very lightest shade (Fair) and use it for highlighting. The small sponge on the top makes applying the product SO EASY! I never notice any creasing with this concealer which why I love it so much! $7.99 is definitely a reasonable price for such a great concealer!

4. Maybelline Color Tattoo Eyeshadow

     I only own one Color Tattoo at the moment, but I must get more! I own the color "Barely Branded" and it is a pretty champagne color. I like to apply this after I put my eyeshadow primer on. Putting this on before my eyeshadow really helps the eyeshadow to pop and the color looks so rich! I also think that it helps my eyeshadow to last longer. I purchased this about 2 months ago and it doesn't even look like I have made a dent into it after using it dozens of times! $5.99 isn't a bad investment for something that will last you months!

5. Covergirl Classic Color Blush in Soft Mink

     I love, love, LOVE blush! I don't know what it is about it, but I can't get enough of pretty blushes! I kid you not, I have been using this blush, in this same color, for 10 years!! I started using this blush in high school and I've never stopped. It is a beautiful, soft pink color with a little bit of shimmer in it. This will always be a holy grail item of mine and it is only $4.99!

What are some of your favorite beauty steals?? I would love to check out some of your favorites!

xoxo Kayla

About Me!

Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! My name is Kayla and I am so excited to begin this blogging journey! The name "The Beauty and Basketball Wife" came from what my life is all about: Beauty and Basketball! My husband will be going into his 5th season as a professional basketball player overseas. I have always loved makeup, but my passion for all things beauty related started when I was living with my husband in Europe for his basketball season. When he was away at practices or away games, I spent so much of my time learning about makeup. I wanted to start a blog to share my love of beauty with all of you!

On my blog, I will share things with you such a product reviews, what my favorites are, and so much more! I love learning new tricks and tips from other beauty lovers and I hope I can do the same for you!

Besides from my life of being a basketball wife and beauty addict, I love spending time with my family, friends and church. When we are back in the USA for my husband's off-season, we reside in Minnesota. I was born and raised in Iowa and I will always love the Midwest! I am a TV show junkie and my favorites are Sons of Anarchy,  Modern Family, Dexter, and Scandal! I also have a dog, Macy, who I absolutely ADORE!

Again, thank you so much for stopping by! I can't wait to start sharing with all of you beauties!

xoxo Kayla