Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blogging from France!

Bonjour! :) If you have been following my blog for a while, you know that I am a basketball wife. And if you are new to my blog, my husband, Tyler, plays professional basketball overseas. We reside in Minnesota in the off-season but live in Europe during Tyler's season. (You can click here to read a previous post and find out a little more about us). This season, Tyler is playing for a team in France and I am finally here! So for the next several months, my blogging will be coming at you from France :)

I am so excited for this new opportunity to experience France with my husband. But I also want to take the time while I am here to take my beauty blogging to the next level. I have been so busy the past couple of months. I was trying to spend as much time with my family and friends before I left and getting things ready to go before I came over from the States that I have not been able to be a part of the beauty community as much as I have wanted to be. I really want to connect with other beauty bloggers/vloggers and support each other in the incredible community. So please! Send me your links to your blogs/YouTube channels! I would love to check them out!

I also want to diversify my audience. I want girls from both the United States and Europe to be able to relate to my blog posts and products that I talk about. Not all of the products that are available in the States are available in Europe and there are also products in Europe that are not available in the States. I hope that by blogging about products available in different areas, girls will learn about different, new products that are out there that they might not have even known about!

I just wanted to write a quick post and let you all know the new update! I am so excited for this next chapter in life!

From our engagement photo session. Will always love this picture :)

xoxo Kayla


  1. That is so exciting, what a fun time and journey your on :)

  2. Hi girl! We talked on instagram this afternoon! I hope you're liking your life in France so far! I think it's kinda different from the USA but I hope you'll have a nice stay here!
    I'm following you on bloglovin from now ! I read a few of your posts and I really like them :D

